
Kimi Kaimahi

Wanted: GP Seeking A Work/Life Balance In A Pristine Environment

If you’re a General Practitioner who enjoys an active lifestyle, and plenty of recreation and family time, the Taupō Medical Centre, in the heart of New Zealand is the place to be. We are looking for someone new to join our nine-doctor practice and great team of health and administration professionals. What makes this particularly attractive is the opportunity to become a financial partner in the company. Recruitment and retention packages are negotiable. This is a thriving, well-supported, modern “Health Care Home” practice with an excellent and welcoming work environment. We Read More... offer an attractive afterhours roster, shared between Taupō’s three medical practices, as well as regular CME and peer support. On the shores of Lake Taupō, New Zealand’s largest lake, Taupō is a go-ahead town with a flourishing tourism industry, a wide range of successful businesses, great schools, and just an hour from the ski areas of Tongariro National Park, World Heritage Area. It’s the perfect spot for anyone who enjoys an outdoor lifestyle whether that’s kicking a ball with the kids, swimming, fishing, hiking, boating, hunting or cycling – just about everything is on offer and easy to access. We think you’ll love it here. We’d love to hear from you. For more information and a job description get in touch with our Practice Manager Helena Watts. E: manager@taupomed.co.nz. P: +64 7 378 4080.

Wanted: Nurse Practitioners Seeking A Work/Life Balance

We need someone new to join our innovative HealthCareHome practice (see www.healthcarehome.co.nz for more information on this innovative model of care). You will be in a well-supported clinical setting where you can enhance your clinical skills, and be a part of new, exciting and innovative healthcare delivery; as well as continue your own professional development. You will be part of a team of nine GPs, two nurse practitioners, 13 nurses and an administration support team of 13 staff. About the role You will be providing face-to-face or virtual care to patients booked with you, and Read More... responsible for follow-up of tests ordered by you. You will be in a well-supported clinical setting where you can enhance your clinical skills, and be a part of new, exciting and innovative healthcare delivery; as well as continue your own professional development. The practice operates with 4 nurses on each day managing acute demand (utilizing triage skills) as well as planned care, and you will work closely with the nursing and GP teams. Benefits and perks Be part of a thriving, well-supported, modern family practice with an excellent and welcoming work environment. Taupō is a go-ahead town with a flourishing tourism industry, a wide range of successful businesses, great schools, and just an hour from the ski areas of Tongariro National Park, World Heritage Area. Come and live in the perfect spot for anyone who enjoys an outdoor lifestyle – just about everything is on offer and easy to access. Additional budget for professional development above base salary. Mehemea e hiahia ana koe ki te tiaki e ngaa tuuroro-a-whanau nau mai haere mai ki Taupō Medical Center. He wahi teenei, a TMC hei tautoko e nga Pou Tapuhi a Rohe/Neehi. Kei konei ngaa Pou Taapuhi a Rohe e rua me era atu neehi hei awhina/tautoko ki a koe. He waahi tino ataahua a Taupō. Skills and experience Current practicing certificate with a scope of Nurse Practitioner Registered with the Nursing Council of New Zealand Ability to work under pressure Team player Computer literate Previous experience as a nurse practitioner in a general practice setting is an advantage Certified smear taker and vaccinator is an advantage a passion for making a difference in the healthcare journey for the patients, whilst respecting their individual needs We think you’ll love it here. Check out why. We’d love to hear from you. For more information and a job description get in touch with our Practice Manager Helena Watts. E: manager@taupomed.co.nz. P: +64 7 378 4080.

He aha ai, ko Taupō ?

E noho ā Taupō mōana I wāenganui o te Ikā ā Māui, e karapōti nei tēnei whēnua, I ngā taiao huhua noa. Ko te wāi māori, ko ngā rōngoa, ko ngā ahunga mahi pāmu, ko ngā ngāhere, ko ngā pākihi tāpoi, ko te kamupene waihanga ngāo haunga rā ko te ahi tāmou. Ko te 27, 300 tāngata e noho ana ki tēnei takiwa. Kōtahi haora te roa o te rērēnga, mai Tāmaki me Pōneke. Ko te mōana o Taupō te hōpua wāi māori nui rawa ō Aotearoa. E āwheao hāere ana tēnei mōana I ngā ngāhere, ngā awa, ngā repo tae ake ki ngā whēnua tuku (rāhui) pēra i ā Tōngariro National Park. E ai kī ngā whakatangata whēnua, ko Taupō te papatākaro taioreore ō Aotearoa. Ahakoa ngā mahi a Rēhia, ngā mahi a Tanerore, kua rongonui a Taupō ki te hī ika, ki te eke paihikara, ki te rēti maunga , ki te hahau poro tāe noa ki ngā tīkanga ahurea. Kei ngā mutunga wiki ka whakahaeretia ngā hākinakina mātua me ngā Konohete ahurea mātua ō Aoteroa ki Taupō. Aumāngea, ngā kura, ngā wharekura, ngā kura kohungahunga tāe atu ki te Kura Wānanga e kaha ana te mahi ngātahi ai ki ngā pakihi huhua noa I Taupō He hōhipera 24/7 kei Taupō o He tāri Ohotata o He tāri Whānau pēpi o He tiata poka tūroro o He whāre haumanu mo te Tiaki tūroro ā rangi o He tāri tirotiro whēua/tīnana o Ka taetae mai ngā matanga hāpai tūroro ki te whakahaeretia ā rātou akoako/ tūtaki tūroro rānei Ko Rotorua tē Hōhipera mātua o te takiwā, ē kotahi hāora mā te huarahi tōna tāwhiti atu.

He aha te take me mahi ki konei?

He wāhi mīharo ā Taupō. Kia rapu mahi, kia whakangungu tōnutia Kia tākarotia i ngā tīni rawa o te whēnua taurikura nei, Kia whakangā ki ngā puna tuku kiri. I ahu kau te hāunga noho I ngā tōpito whānui o te ao. E mahi ngātahi te hapōri arumōni kia eke rawatia ngā awenga mahi o tēnei tāone. Kei te tupu tōnutia tēnei hapōri. Tokoiti te hunga mahi kore, hēoi anō, e kaha nei ngā pākihi o te takiwa ki te whanakehia rawatia. Nā ngā āhuatanga ake o te tāiao ki Taupō ki hea ngā tumomo mahinga e tāea. Ko te rēti maunga/ rētirēti wai, nga hikoingā maha, hī ika (hopu taraute) , te piki me te heke māunga a paihikara nei. Eke waka tētēre. Ko te puku o te ika te manawa o te Aō Tāpoi, me te Aō Māori. E rua hāora noa iho te tāwhiti a waka nei ki nga mara waina rongōnui o te Tairāwhiti . E rua haora anō ki ngā nohoanga mōana ki ngā waitai o te Waiariki tae atu ki nga tini tapoi o Waikato rōhe. Ko te ahumahi Tapoi, te mahinga hirahira o te takiwa nēi. Hei te wa o te raumati (Dec–Feb) Ko Taupō tētahi tāone turuhi mā te hunga mānene, me te hunga haukāinga hoki. Hei te wā o te Hōtoke, ka karanga mai ngā māunga tīpua